Tudor Petremarin

Directors Directors of photography Sound editors Sound designers Sound engineers Camera operators Producers Producer-directors Executive prod. Post prod. planners Unit prod. managers


Fulg Media Production


Tudor, a Romanian filmmaker, caught the movie-making bug in high school, and it's been a whirlwind romance ever since. His early university short films captivated audiences and judges alike, earning selections at prestigious festivals around the globe, including Hollyshorts IFF, Los Angeles IFF, Vancouver IFF, and New York City IFF.
Over the past decade, he's honed his craft in the vibrant Romanian television and commercial landscape, directing numerous shows, series, commercials, and music videos. His latest creation, the feature film "Highschool Thieves," is a coming-of-age thrill ride. It dives into the audacious scheme of four teenagers who dare to steal and sell the national baccalaureate exam—a daring heist that becomes a journey of self-discovery and unexpected consequences.


German: basic
English: fluent
French: basic
Italian: basic
Spanish: basic
Directors, Directors of photography, Sound editors, Sound designers, Sound engineers, Camera operators, Producers, Producer-directors, Executive prod., Post prod. planners, Unit prod. managers

Experience & skills


Film Directing B.A. from UNATC (National Film School)
Film Producting M.A. from UNATC (National Film School)

Car class
Own equipment

Sony Cameras and lenses (with full accessories)
Sachtler Tripod
Aputure Led Lighting
Astera Led Lighting
Sound devices and Lectrosonics audio equipment
DJI gimbals
Avenger and Manfrotto grip equipment

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