Raul Stef

Still photographers

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My work focuses on topics related to the transformation and recent history in Romania. Graduate of the MA in Documentary Photography at the University of the Arts London, UK and BA in Journalism and Sociology at the Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Since 2020, Associate lecturer in Photography at the Faculty of Theatre and Film, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca.

Co-author of the book “Survivors. Testimonies from Romania’s Communist Prisons”, Humanitas, 2014.

Co-author of the book ”Dear Sisiluț, in this world, we will not meet again”, Corint, 2022.

I received photography scholarships from the European Cultural Foundation, Altemus, Romanian Cultural Institute, Ratiu Family Charitable Foundation.

My works have been published in the national media and international magazines such as Financial Times Germany, Bild am Sonntag, The Times, AP, Reuters, AFP, Getty Images.

I exhibited in solo or group exhibitions in Poland, Romania and the UK.


German: fluent
English: fluent
Romanian: native-language
Still photographers
Preferred working area

I mainly work in culture and social areas.

Experience & skills


I studied Sociology and Journalism at the Babes-Bolyai University and a MA in Documentary Photography at the University of the Arts London.

Experience abroad
France, Spain, Ukraine, United Kingdom
Car class
Own equipment

Yes, Sony and Leica

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