Ioana Mischie

Directors Screenwriters

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Ioana Mischie is a Romanian-born transmedia artist (screenwriter/director) and transmedia futurist, awarded for film, virtual reality, and innovative concepts.

Fulbright Grantee Alumna of USC School of Cinematic Arts (collaborating with the Civic Imagination Lab /Mixed Reality Lab / JoVRnalism /Worldbuilding Lab), and Alumna of UNATC, advanced the transmedia storytelling field as part of her doctoral study thesis completed with Summa Cum Laude.

After graduating UNATC’s storytelling-driven BA and MA, her cinematic projects as writer/director have traveled to more than 100 festivals worldwide (Palm Springs ISFF, Hamptons IFF, Thessaloniki IFF) and were developed in top-notch international programs (Berlinale Talents - Script Station, Sundance Workshop - Capalbio, Cannes International Screenwriters Pavilion, Locarno Academy Meetings, MIDPOINT and many more).

Her interactive works were awarded by international playgrounds such as The Webby Awards, Golden Drum, South by Southwest Hackathon, The Steamer Salon, Stereopsia, GoEast and many more. Two of her recent VR franchises received the first European Meta grant via Women in Immersive Technologies and the Immersive Creators Catalyst program. She was selected in residencies across the globe, one of the most transformative being the artistic residency Forward Slash Story, organized by Columbia University.

She has successfully collaborated as a writer/director with Channel 4 in the UK (for two doc webseries with a record of views in the UK) and with the Oscars-awarded Legende Films (for the short fiction 237 Years). Her short film, Cumulonimbus, was nominated at the Gopo Awards 2018 for Best Short Film and was selected by Gus Van Sant as a finalist of the Coppola Shorts out of 1000 global entries. The expanded portfolio includes cinematic VR (The Wetland), participatory poems (Idonee), transmedia installations, web documentaries (Unsilenced Voices).

Co-founder and Head of Storyscapes, an NGO focusing transmedia storytelling and expanded narratives initiated in 2012. In between 2015 and 2020 collaborated as an arts-based research collaborator of CINETic, an Eastern European center focusing on the interaction between neuroscience and groundbreaking audio-visual paths. Starting with 2020, the protagonist of this bio took a leap of faith to design a fresh transmedia initiative conceived as a transdisciplinary, trans-generational and trans-real hub.

In Romania she activates as well as a transmedia futurist for audio-visual and educational entities. While, in love with sharing good practices and collaborative learning, Ioana is teaching digital media arts, virtual reality, digital storytelling classes at both UNATC and UBB. Initiated numerous pioneering audio-visual educational initiatives for junior cinematic storytellers such as CINE-RITM, National Screenwriting Alumni Pitch, LdaVi Worldbuilding Hub, Romanian VR Showcase in Cannes.

Member of Women in Film and Television Los Angeles since 2018 and member of Global Shapers Bucharest Hub, an initiative by World Economic Forum since 2020.

Among her recent original transmedia franchises, she has created the project Government of Children (3D film, web, XR), a pioneering expanded franchise empowering children to see themselves as leaders and to redesign their society. Her cinematic paths combine long-term concepts, groundbreaking technologies, and forms of expanded artistic impact. Envisioning the world as a neo-creative playground, she deeply believes that storytellers are "the architects of the future" (Buckminster Fuller).


English: fluent
French: basic
Directors, Screenwriters

Experience & skills


UNATC. Bucharest, Romania
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California (Fulbright Scholar)

Experience abroad
China, France, United Kingdom, United States

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