Camelia Popa

Directors Producers TV-producers

Graduated from the Faculty of Film and TV Directing (2000), Camelia Popa dedicated her first 11 years of work to television productions, being the director of a series of films & TV series including #school (Netflix, comedy), Vlad ( ProTV, action), One step forward (first series, ProTV). After this period she returned to cinema, directing and producing the feature films: Ca Fetele- comedy, romance(director and executive producer)SNUPD - black comedy (director and producer), Pup-o, ma 2!Crazy Bride - comedy (director and producer), Pup-o, ma ! - comedy (executive producer)


English: fluent
Directors, Producers, TV-producers

Experience & skills


master's degree in film production(2024) and bachelor's degree in film directing(2000)

Experience abroad
Norway, Saudi Arabia
Special skills

creative, easy person

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