Andrei Serban

AD PAs Creative prod. Development prod. Editors Prod. assistants Prod. secretaries Producers TV-producers

I am a 28 year old Romanian writer / producer with experience in the film industry for 6 years.

I worked on feature film projects as an AD as well as in the production department.

On the side I create videos with AI as an editor and develop projects as a writer


English: fluent
French: medium
Italian: basic
Romanian: native-language
AD PAs, Creative prod., Development prod., Editors, Prod. assistants, Prod. secretaries, Producers, TV-producers

Experience & skills


MA Producing Film & TV @ Royal Holloway Univ. of London
BA TV & Film Production @ Royal Hollway Univ. of London

Special skills


Own equipment

- ChatGPT
- Midjourney
- Adobe Creative Suite
- Stable Diffusion
- Runway AI
- Kling AI Video

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